Area Progetti Europei e Mobilità Transnazionale

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Mentore scarl is the Vocational Training Centre and Technical Assistance Centre (T.A.C.) created by Confcommercio Toscana – the entrepreneurial organizations for trade, tourism and services - and it's direct expression of all the territorial consortium members and it’s in direct connection with Local and Regional Authorities.

Since 2009, Mentore has been collaborated with regional, national and transnational partners on issues of common interest and has been implemented transnational ESF and LLP/Erasmus Plus projects.

In 2012, Mentore won the Star Project 2012 Prize for TCM T&KE Project (LLP-LDV-PA-10-IT-195 LLP Partnership)


  • Regione Toscana, Regional governament in Tuscany (IT);
  • Unioncamere Toscana, Federal Union of Chambre of Commerce (IT)
  • Ente regionale Bilaterale del Commercio e Turismo Toscano (IT),
  • Re:attiva (IT)
  • AeF - Accademia Europea di Firenze (IT)
  • Centro Studi Pluriversum (IT)
  • GecLab (IT)
  • ATCM – Association of Town Centre Management (UK);
  • Foyle International (UK);
  • WPK (UK)
  • UNIZO (Flanders/Belgium);
  • Stadtmarketing Austria (Austria);
  • EVTA – European Vocational Training Association (Belgium);
  • Kenniscentrum Handel (Holland);
  • CECA Confederation Empresarial De Comercio De Andalusia (Spain);
  • Fundació Privada Barcelona Comerç (Spain)
  • AELV (Spain)
  • Ingalicia (Spain)
In "News" and "Archivio Progetti" sections you can find details about activity and projects realized

Download this file (Mentore Company profile.pdf)Mentore Company profile.pdf[Mentore Company Profile]67 Kb
Download this file (Mentore Presentation.pdf)Mentore Presentation.pdf[Mentore Presentation slides]1503 Kb
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